Common Water Problems

Orange Staining

Iron could likely be the culprit. It stains faucets, sinks, bathtubs, counter surfaces, appliances and even clothing. You can remove the iron with a home water conditioner.  In some instances, iron is present in such large amounts that a multi-stage filtration system is necessary to remove it. But don’t worry; your problem may appear worse than it really is.  Even in small amounts, iron can cause orange-brown stains.

Smelly Tap Water

Uh oh, smells like you have a Hydrogen Sulfide problem. Water absorbs this gas as it passes through the ground. When you turn on your faucet, you actually expel and inhale the gas from your tap water.

Hydrogen sulfide can be treated with oxidation and filtration. Oxidation turns the gas into basic sulfur that can then be removed via filtration. An aeration system injects air into the water to oxidize the gas. The water then passes through a filter that removes the sulfur. The result is “rotten egg” odor free water.

Hard Water Spots

Hard water results from high levels of calcium and magnesium in your water supply. It is the most common water problem in North America and can cause more problems than just spotty glasses and shower stalls.

  • The minerals in hard water cling to soap particles and leaving behind soap scum and bathtub rings
  • Hard water requires more soap and cleaning products
  • Higher energy bills – Over time the heating elements in your water heater get coated with minerals from your hard water. They can form a thick pile of mineral sludge in the bottom of your water heater reducing its efficiency.
  • Hard water shortens the life of your water-using appliances such as water heaters, dishwashers, coffee makers

Musty, earthy, fishy taste or smell?

Caused by algae, molds and bacteria that live in water and can multiply within a home’s plumbing system.