Drinking Water Systems

Great-tasting, word-free water whenever you want

Drinking Water Systems

Water quality can no longer be taken for granted. Aging municipal water utilities struggle and often fail to meet federal quality standards. Our distribution infrastructure also faces the challenges of age and budget cuts. Once thought pristine, well water is also a source of concern since much groundwater has been contaminated by a variety of chemical and biological contaminants. It’s no wonder many of us now think twice before taking a sip from the tap. Bottled water was once a popular alternative, but it’s expensive and creates waste that’s hard on the environment. Fortunately, with Kinetico, you can provide your family with fresh, clean, great-tasting water without worry or concern.


MACguard Product Image

The MACguard® Filter is an excellent choice when you want to eliminate unpleasant tastes and odors while improving the quality of your water. Your water conditions will determine which of the two models is right for you.